Hello Friends and BLiSiSters!
Thanks for taking the time to stop by! We decided to create the Inner Bliss blog as a way for us to connect to a community of really amazing women and create a dialogue about the way to traverse the road to achieving BLISS! in all aspects of our lives.
Let's face it. We all want to be happy -- to live the American Dream. And even when we tell the world that our lives are GREAT, we know that there is often an undercurrent of something in our lives that is not exactly the way we want it to be. Maybe it is our job or friction in a relationship with someone we are care about. Maybe it is how we feel about our body or insecurity over what we really want out of life. We are so busy trying to master the task of being SUPERWOMAN, than we forget to honor and accept the simple perfection in just BEING OURSELVES.
We know that there are plenty of blogs, websites, and magazines out there with lots of advice on how you should look, what you wear, and who you should emulate to be truly FABULOUS. This blog is NOT going to follow in those footsteps.
Our goal is decidedly different. We'd like to offer some ideas that we think are really interesting, ask some thought-provoking questions, and introduce you to some awesome women.
Real women. Real connection. Real inspiration.
Who knows? Maybe you'll learn something. Maybe you'll be inspired. Maybe we'll make you think about some aspect of your life in a new way. Or maybe you will teach us something. We are excited to see where all of this goes!
So, if you believe in our mission, please join our community by becoming a fan of our Facebook page and/or joining our mailing list....and let the AMAZING women in your life know about us, so that they can be part of this journey as well!
All our best,
Amy and Seema