What is 'The Edge'?
'The Edge' is about pushing yourself literally to the edge of your comfort zone. You know you are there when you are, well, a little uncomfortable. It doesn't have to be a huge gesture to get on your 'Edge'. It just requires paying attention to your actions and being willing to go where you haven't gone before -- sometimes through your actions, sometimes through your emotions.
Amy introduced me to the concept of 'The Edge' a few years ago when we first started working together. At the time, I thought that the key to personal growth was to learn more, read more, and expand my comfort zone by traveling to new places and trying new things. While there is nothing wrong with any of these actions, in my case (and I suspect that of many others), my efforts at growth centered on things where I was already strong. For example, I can psych myself into trying just about anything once -- it is mind over matter, after all -- so there was really not much difference between battling the rapids on the psychotic Zambezi River and sliding down the snow-covered face of a live volcano on my bottom, at least from the perspective of facing my fear. But, ask me to reveal something really personal or emotional -- that's petrifying! Every week when I sit down to write my blog post, I am nervous both that you will and won't read what I have written and fearful of what you will think of it. In the past, I would never have been able to admit this because doing so makes me feel unsettled and vulnerable. That's how I know that this is on my 'Edge'.
Why Live Life on 'The Edge'
While it is true that some people can go through life without ever wanting to move outside of their comfort zone, the reality is that for many of us, there is real joy and exhilaration in being able to face a fear, release an anxiety or overcome adversity. Doesn't that sound great? Why not give it a try!
Five Ways to Try Living on 'The Edge'
1. Do the Opposite
If you are a neat freak, let your home be messy for a little while. If you are a pack rat, pick one room/closet/drawer to de-clutter. If you are normally silent in meetings, speak up! If you are a Crackberry addict, leave it at home for a day. The more the action makes you feel uncomfortable, the closer to 'The Edge' it is likely you are.
2. Even if You Feel Uncomfortable, Do It Anyway
Normally, we steer away from things that make us feel uncomfortable. Next time you feel that way, take a deep breath and do it anyway. You may find that whatever it is is not as scary as you thought it would be.
3. Admit a Weakness or an Insecurity
We often want the face we show to the world to be perfect. But, we all know that we are not perfect and sometimes just admitting that you are human can be an amazing feeling. If you are not yet ready to admit it to a person, write it in a journal.
4. Feel -- Don't Think -- Before You Act
Some of us have a tendency to overthink everything we do. The next time you fall into the pattern, listen to your heart, instead of your head.
5. Choose Compassion and Empathy over Anger
We all get angry -- whether it is at our irritating boss or our child/spouse/friend who doesn't listen to us. Instead of immediately getting angry, take a step back, try to see the situation from that person's perspective, and imagine how he/she may be feeling.
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